28 July 2007

Where in the World is...New Lib?

Okay, I'm cleaning out my inbox, came across this and realized it's never been shared with the whole league. So, for those of you always wondering where the hell New Libertatia was, here ya go from Capt. Klong himself:

"As for the location of my team, that would be what is known in the real world as Gardiner's Island, which is in between the tips of Long Island's forks. The story in NFSL world is that a descendant of the famous privateer Captain Kidd found his ancestor's buried treasure on the island (where he supposedly did actually bury some loot) from an old map handed down through the generations and used it to buy the island from the Gardiner's, ending their 300+ year family reign there, and start a baseball team for the fledgling NFSL. In keeping with the pirate theme to honor his forebearer (and for the marketing potential), he renamed the island after the mythical pirate's utopia thought to be based in Madagascar. Hence, New Libertatia is born. I may have thought about this a little too much, but that should help you out."

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